November 2, 2011
I can’t believe that we have been here almost 7 months. They have flown by and been very busy. We have had lots of family and friends come and visit. Lauren, Jason, Holly, Travis, and Sarah all come down… not at one time… we don’t have room for that. Lauren stayed with us on the boat before and after her Europe trip this summer. She was gone for 6 weeks to Oxford, London, Paris, Barcelona, Valencia, and Madrid. Jason and Holly enjoyed going to the beach and visiting the aquarium. Of course Travis went fishing and actually caught a big puppy drum from our dock. He was very excited. Sarah and I enjoyed sitting on the boat and reading. Travis came down another time to fish and visit, but the weather was not good. Maybe he’ll have better luck next time.
Sarah and Travis |
Travis and his big catch |
Daddy and Billy |
Billy, my brother and my dad came down and stayed on the boat when my sister, Michelle, got married in a beautiful ceremony on the beach.
Daddy |
We talked daddy into staying a few extra days and I think he liked Morehead City. He told us when he won the lottery he would by our boat and slip and we could get a different one. I explained that if he won the lottery he would have lots of money, not us. He said he would share. He did think we were infested with rats. We have some small flags on the front of the boat that make a lot of noise when the wind blows. It doesn’t really bother us in the back of the boat, but we knew daddy was a light sleeper so we fixed them so they wouldn’t blow. Billy was taking a late night walk around the front of the boat and thought the wind had tangled the flag, so he straightened it out. The next morning daddy said we had a rat that kept trying to get in last night. He said he knew it was brave cause even when he beat on the side of the boat to scare it away, it still kept trying to get in. We were also visited by the snapping shrimp while they were here, but they were not as bad as they have been. We took the boat out for a ride while he was here.
Shay and my Dad checking out the equipment |
Michelle, my sister and her sons, Ethan and Michael, her new husband, Marty, and his son, Rance, and his mother and father came to visit one day. We anchored at Shackleford Banks and enjoyed an afternoon of swimming, relaxing and talking. On the way back, Chelle kept wondering where all the sand was coming from, until she looked down and saw it was coming out of her bathing suit. Of course she had been swimming and her suit was full of sand. 
This is not the "sandman" its the "sandgirl". |
Mary Alice and Bob |
Michelle and Marty |
Dorothy and Tim. Tim tried fishing off the front of the boat, He actually got a bite. |
Some friends from our church back home, Frank and Ruth spent several days with us and we had lots of fun. |
Susan and Moses from Mount Airy came and stayed with us. Susan sent us a great thank you gift, 2 sleeping bags made of sheets. I had been wanting to make some for a while and couldn’t find 2 flat king size sheets without buying 2 sets. If you have never made up a V-berth bed you have no idea how difficult it can be. You have to climb into the bed and try to make it up while climbing around on it. Not an easy thing to do. Susan and I talked about it and she said she’d see if she could find us some sheets. Well, shortly after they got home she called and said she had them ready and what was our address. Well I was very surprised and happy. We got them in a few days and they are great. We are so fortunate to have great friends like them.
Susan and Moses |
Clark from near Winston Salem came down to fish one weekend and stopped by to see the boat. Shay and Clark worked together a lot on Miss Lauren our previous boat, a 26’ Chris Craft. Bobby who lives in a house at Seagate Marina came by several times to visit and see how things were going.
We have met lots of new friends that came to our dock. Ted and Nancy from Aloha Friday spent a night at MCYB. We fell in love with the Defever style after seeing their 44’ boat. Dick and Lacey from Confetti stopped by also. We had met them while crossing the Lake Okeechobee Waterway in the spring. We enjoyed seeing them all again. We met Richard and Connie from Sea Salt while they were at MCYB. Their boat had an unfortunate accident at the highrise bridge near our marina. When they came thru work was being done on the bridge and the listed height was not correct. They had to change their summer plans so they could get the boat back in running condition.
Of course I can’t forget all the friends we have made while at the dock. We have a great group of people that live at our marina and have enjoyed getting to know them. Some of them will be traveling south for the winter and some are staying tied to the dock. Dwayne and Linda on Seaveyor are here again. We met them here several years ago right after they had bought their boat. They invited us aboard and we had a great visit. We saw them again at Carolina Beach when we were boat shopping. We were walking the docks and Shay said he had seen that boat before. We walked over and it was Dwayne and Linda again. When we pulled into the Yacht Basin, they were here again.
We have really gotten close to Ken and Margaret on Rocking B. They got here a little after we did this spring and have been doing a lot of the same things to their boat that we have done to ours, so Shay and Ken have bonded. Margaret and I have decided they were brothers that were separated at birth. They have talked for hours and hours about batteries, alternators, solar panels and lots of other stuff. I think it has been good for them to have someone to bounce ideas off of since their wives don’t understand what they are talking about most of the time. Needless to say we have spent lots of time together and have enjoyed getting to know them. But it doesn’t stop with us leaving the dock… yes they will leave with us and we will travel together for a while. So we don’t have to cut the cord yet.
We got to know Mary Ellen and Howard on Oceannia, John on Bad Bunny, and Ann and George on Incentive. They will be staying at the dock and hopefully we will see them again when we return next summer.
If I have left out any family, friends, or visitors, please forgive me. You all know I am getting older and more forgetful every day.
We made serveral trips back to Mount Airy to visit while we were docked. We enjoyed getting together with family and friends back home. Of course, we had to eat at our favorite restaurant in the whole world while we were there. It's Chile Rojo and we love it . We have been known to eat lunch and dinner there in the same day. Hey, it's that good.
Its really strange to go back to the house. This feels like home and the house feels like we are visitors. We sure hope the house sells soon, so if you know of anyone looking for a house in that area let us know!
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