Monday, December 3, 2012

Finally Back at Marathon


Sunrise leaving Rodiquez Key on the way to Marathon.

We got started in the dark again leaving Rodriquez Key. Today won't be a long day but we want to get started and get there as soon as we can. The water was ok, a little bumpy but not bad. Of course, we have had lots of crab pots in the channel. We have to keep watch for them so we can avoid running over them.
We have been surrounded by dolphins playing all day. I recorded them twice and they stayed around us for over 10 minutes each time. Margaret is upset since they haven't had any dolphins playing around their boat. Ken says it must be Margaret, since he's seen them around catamarans before and around dogs so it must be her.

Dolphins playing in our bow wave.

This is one of the many videos of dolphin that I took on our way down.

We called the marina and asked if our old mooring was available. The nice lady said it was open now but she could not reserve it so maybe we will get it and maybe we won't. So we called when we passed thru the bridge and she said it was still open so we grabbed it.

The bridge entering Boot Key Harbor (Marathon) is missing its center span. There must be a story behind that.
Our home for a while.
 Rocking B had gotten in a little earlier so they were all set at their old mooring.

We had invited them over for dinner on our boat and after getting checking in at the marina we had grilled pork tenderloin, baked beans, cole slaw, and hominy (I fixed it since Margaret had never had it before and I don't think she will have it again. Ken said he remembered some of his grandparents serving it.)

We are glad to be back in Marathon, but the place looks deserted.

This place looks like a ghost town. There are a lot of empty moorings compared to last year when we left.
We asked at the marina and were told that they have twice as many boats now as they did a month ago.

We hope to have as much fun here this time as we did last time. Who knows where our next adventure will be?

We have really had some beautiful sunsets since we  got here.
We passed this closed marina on the way to our mooring.
The cruisers had a Thanksgiving pot luck lunch. Rocco’s Dockside Grill cooked the turkey, ham, sweet potato casserole, dressing, and carrots. We cruisers brought other sides and a $5.00 donation from each person to help cover the cost of the food and supplies.

We were very pleased with the amount of food and the food itself. You never know if there will be enough food when you have a potluck dinner. The turkey, ham, dressing, gravy, sweet potato casserole, and carrots were great. We had all kinds of sides brought by cruisers. Pasta salads, fruit salads, tossed salads, green bean casseroles, rice, and lots of other sides. If you couldn’t find something you liked you’re too picky. We even had desserts…pumpkin pie, apple pie, cherry pie, key lime pie, cheesecake, and cupcakes.
We had a great time and even had entertainment too. Ken brought his keyboard and some other guys brought instruments so we had music and singing. Ken did great again.
Escape at sunset.
Since we got here we have been kinda lazy. But Shay and I have taken several bike rides and Margaret and I rode to the beach one day.

The moorings are filling up. Boats come and go, but some stay. Dark Star is here again this year and they are at a private dock. Shay went over to visit them and they are doing well.

An absolutely beautiful sunrise at Boot Key Harbor.

Another sunset.
We haven’t seen many of our friends from last year, but we have heard some are coming back. Shay talked to Folly, Stan and Judy are on their way. We hope to see lots of friends from last year, but you never know what those “crazy people that live on boat” will do.
We found some some different software to use on the pictures. I like it.

Well, Stan and Judy are here now. And Ted. And Leta and Rollard. So.. lots of friends are back in Marathon again. And we've made lots more friends already this year.

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