Saturday, April 20, 2013

Cambridge Cay

This video is of us leaving Pipe Creek.

FFF, everyone in their  assigned stations!
 We had an easy day on the water moving to Cambridge Cay. I baked a poppy seed chicken casserole and au gratin potato casserole on the trip up. My boat smelled really good.
Escape heading to the anchorage.

Emma on the bow--checking the water depth.

Escape at the anchorage in Cambridge Cay.

We are now in the Exuma Land and Sea Park. We took a beautiful dinghy trip up the water to the Sea Aquarium and it was fantastic! It was like swimming in a huge aquarium. We saw hundreds and hundreds of fish, coral, and rays. It was as Emma says “super”. Emma and I went thru one of their coral reef fish books and identified some of the ones we saw. We think they were spot fin butterfly, goby, sergeant major, blowfish, parrot, queen angelfish, spotlight parrotfish, barracuda, and a huge spotted ray. It really was like being in a tank. The ray was on the bottom as Shay and I were swimming back to our dinghy. His tail was very long.
All these fantastic underwater pictures are from FFF. Thank goodness they had an underwater camera. Next time we come here, we will have one too.
Shay getting the dinghy anchor down
When we snapped our fingers underwater, the fish would come to us. I guess they thought we were going to feed them. Emma got some great pictures, as you can see. It seems like each time we get in the water it is better than the last. Words can’t describe it and pictures can’t capture it….but I will keep trying!

We were snapping our fingers and the fish would come.

What are you looking at?

You can tell by our faces, we liked this!

This is a plane wreck that you can dive.

Our anchorage

Oh, we went by Johnny Depp’s island. We have been told if he is on the island there’s a flag flying. So by the looks of the picture he’s here! Emma says she’s sure if he knew she and I were nearby, he’d invite us to come ashore. She said he’d probably want us to stay there and offer the guys a lot of money to let us stay. Oh well.

Oh, yeah. I got a fish bite! Yes, a fish bit me while we were snorkeling. I felt it happen and then forgot about it until I was drying off that night and saw it. I guess he decided I wasn’t what he wanted for a snack. Thank goodness!

We all had dinner on Escape. We had poppy seed chicken, au gratin potatoes, green peas, and cole slaw and brownies. Yummy.

The next morning Shay and I went exploring the small island behind our boat. Since we are in the park, we can't take anything. So all the pretties we see, we will leave, so someone else can see them. We saw lots of conch shells on the beach and in the water. It’s windier today and the water was bumpy, so we didn’t go anywhere else. Just a lazy day on the water. We are on the waiting list for Warderick Wells Cay mooring field. We will find out at 9:00 am if we get it or not. The park ranger will ask for boats leaving the moorings and then give out the moorings to the list. Hope we get in, if not we will stay here again.

Escape looks good!
There were lots of black coral on this beach.

Natural beach art!

I could stay here for a long, long time. It is amazing.

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